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Browse documents
with responsible AI ✨

Browse documents, locate them and find answers in seconds. DeepFile speeds up your search delivering both efficiency and privacy.


GDPR compliant

Your entire knowlege at a glance

DeepFile finds accurate answers to your questions by digging in your local drive and company network.

Speed up search

Just use your own words. Forget keywords.

Locate files

Find your files in seconds to have them at hand. 

Chat with sources

Generate answers based on your own documents.


Get the most out of your documents

Just ask normal questions

When time is of the essence, finding information and files among your confidential data is the handbrake of efficiency. Forget keywords, just ask normal questions.


DeepFile finds you the answer

so you can focus on what matter the most and boost your productivity.

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Natural language processing

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Index your own drives

Physical drives

Index your own computer and external drives and browse your documents in seconds.


Company network

Synchronise with your company intranet to have all the knowledge at hand.


Cloud solutions

Connect with your favourite cloud services to have an holistic overview of your sources.



Ask questions, get answers

Generative AI

When you ask a question, DeepFile understands your intent and generate the answer for you.


Source: your files

The context is solely extracted from the information contained in your files displayed as sources. So it avoids hallucinations and the answers stay accurate.

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Start with the new document management generation 


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Early Access Program
for macOS

Start using DeepFile today and help us shape it as the tool you need. The program includes:

  • 6 months access to DeepFile 

  • 10% off discount for the entire 2025

  • Dedicated live support​

DeepFile is built in collaboration with:

eu sozialfonds
Applied data incubator
Berlin logo
ESF Berlin logo
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